In fact, most of the film it's just Cusack and the room of evil! And, given these constraints, it's a pretty amazing horror film. This film has one of the simplest plots I can recall and a very tiny cast.

What follows is Mike's hellish experience staying in a room that seems less haunted and more just evil.and intent on breaking him and driving him into madness by preying on his greatest fears. However, when he checks out a lead to haunted room 1408 in the Dolphin Hotel, he finds that the hotel is intent on convincing him not to stay there! In other words, while most hotels play up the haunted angle to drum up business, this place tries hard to convince folks not to stay in 1408. One of the specialities of some of the books are haunted hotels and he spends much of his time traveling all over trying out these hotel rooms and then writing about how he saw no evidence of hauntings. Mike (John Cusack) is the author of various parapsychology books about ghosts. Because it's from a short story, it's not surprising that the film has a very simple plot. "1408" is a story taken from a Stephen King short story. The last shot is of him finishing his cigarette and walking towards the door just as he vanishes. We see a specter Mike Enslin staring out the window. Gerald catches his breath, starting his car and driving off.
He looks back at the girl who has found her dad that was looking for her. Gerald jumps but the vision quickly disappears.

He turns around to look at her and catches a brief vision of Mike Enslin in his back seat, hideously burned. As he listens, he sees a young girl in his rear-view mirror waving in his direction. Gerald plays it and hears the same dialog between Mike and his daughter heard at the end of the theatrical release. Gerald returns to his car and opens the box, which contains the nightgown that was sent through the fax machine as well and the burned tape recorder. Lily, in too much grief to listen, cuts him off and refuses to accept the box. He offers it to Lily while also trying to explain, with a sense of hope, that Mike's death of was not in vain and that because of his actions no one else will *ever be able to stay in room 1408. He says the box contains some of Mike's belongings still left in the room. Gerald introduces himself and gives his condolences. As the procession ends, Lily walks to her car and is met by Gerald Olin who is carrying a box. Lily is there, being consoled by Mike's agent. The next scene is at Mike's funeral where his coffin is lowered into the ground right next to his daughter's just as the visions 1408 prophesied. The camera zooms in on the numbers on the outside door, just as they melt from the heat. Instead, the last we see of him is when he's lying on his back in the burning room and we hear the words of his daughter "everybody dies". Mike Enslin sets fire to 1408 but is not rescued by the fire department. ***Spoiler Alert - Alternate Ending*** The Director's Cut contains a more tragic ending.