Canine spectra 9 once a year series#
Depending on your puppy’s age, this may require 3-4 vaccinations for the Distemper/Parvo series until your puppy is 16-20 weeks of age. Most vaccines are given every 2-4 weeks until actual protection is expected to be achieved.

Your veterinarian will then recommend a schedule depending on the lifestyle you envision for your puppy and risk of certain diseases based on where you live or travel. Be sure to get medical records for a newly purchased or adopted puppy so your veterinarian can determine what has been given and when the next vaccine is due. Puppies should receive their first vaccinations at six to eight weeks of age. Thus, puppies need a series of vaccinations to allow their immune system to “break through” waning maternal antibody. The timing and interval between booster vaccinations is critical to ensure your puppy is protected, as their mother’s antibodies can interfere with a vaccination’s ability to mount your puppy’s own immune response. The worst of these are Distemper and Parvo. In their first year of life, puppies will need to visit their veterinarian numerous times to get vaccinated for and become immunized against potentially fatal, yet preventable infectious diseases.